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The seminar in Basic Youth Conflicts has attracted over three million youth and adult from all walks of life with only word-of-mouth promotion! The seminar gives practical steps of action to apply seven universal, non-optional principles of life. They transcend all cultures, nationalities, religions, and political systems. I learned these principles by meditating on Scripture. They transformed lives, marriages, families and finances!
The Missing Key
What I did not understand was the inner-workings of meditation that give it a practical “handle” to carry it out. True meditation is based on the fact that we have three brains: 1) our head brain, which is the weakest; 2) our heart brain, which controls our head brain; and 3) our “gut” brain which controls our life!
Meditation is not effective unless we get Scripture down to all three brains. We do this by quoting key verses to God while going to sleep! During the night, the verses go from our head brain down to our gut brain and then teach our heart brain wisdom, understanding, direction and solutions. God guarantees true success if we do this EVERY NIGHT!

Imagine Every Prisoner Meditating on Scripture!
God has opened the door to work with the officials of a prison in Arkansas to get every inmate to quote Scripture while going to sleep! This will transform the prison and the recidivism rate!
There are over a million inmates in U.S. prisons costing tax-payers $84 billion dollars every year! The bigger problem is that over 70% will reoffend and be returned to prison within five years! This means that our prison system is not working. However, this program is guaranteed to work because it is transforming the life and outlook of every inmate!
How Five Giants Transformed an Inmate!
Kevin is an inmate at the Walla Walla Prison in Washington. Chaplain Lewis May gave him a copy of my book, Five Giants Every Man Must Conquer! After reading it he said, “Next to the Bible, that is the most powerful book that I have ever read!” He also wrote, “All I can say is “WOW!” That book is changing my life! I can identify with all five giants . . . this is a “must read” for every man on planet earth! I have started fasting and my heart problem has cleared up 100%!”

Transforming Education
In the Basic Seminar, I explain how I was failing in school until I discovered night meditation. Then, my grades then shot up to A-!
Now I have an opportunity to work with a Christian school in Nashville to get all 300 students to quote Scripture while going to sleep at night! Each morning they will report on their night meditation in class. The results will be a model for the nation. Almost all education is based on filling the head brain with knowledge. These students will learn God’s wisdom by internalizing His Word! Every student over 12 years old will also be enrolled in Embassy University and earn a degree every two years, so that by the time they graduate they could have a Ph.D.!
The students will also form tenmember “Power Teams” and do public service projects. They will learn by doing and will “let their light so shine that men will see their good works and glorify their Father in heaven!”