Embassy University Online

Over 2.5 million people have completed this course.
INTRODUCTION (Available now free of charge)
This 30-hour Seminar is the foundational course of Embassy University. It does require a workbook which can be downloaded or ordered from the Resources section at Embassy University.
This workbook is a 110-page syllabus which presents “A New Paradigm in Counseling.” It is actually a comprehensive course on problem solving. And the principles you learn and apply will be life-changing, to you and to others.
Embassy University Courses
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AA101 – The Basic Youth Conflicts Seminar
Adopt seven universal, non-optional principles of life. These truths transcend all cultures, nationalities, religions, and political systems. They are essential to your success. As you apply them to your life, you will have success and great wisdom in helping others to resolve conflicts in their lives.
How to validate this course:
The seven principles must be personally applied for them to be effective. After each principle is explained, there is a decision to be made and steps of action to be followed in the workbook. Write a short report of the decisions you made and how you have followed the steps of action. Have your verifier confirm your written reports with a signature.

AA102 – The Inner Mind That Controls Our Life
“It is with the greatest enthusiasm possible that I recommend this book. It contains the answers to so many of my questions. I finally understand what faith is all about and how to conquer the strongholds in our life. My only regret is that I did not know this material earlier.” — Dr. Roger Blair, DDS
Wisdom, understanding and lasting achievement begin with the knowledge of our three brains and how they function. Ineffective education is filling our head brain with information because our head brain is the weakest brain. Filling our reins (gut brain) with God’s wisdom every night, by quoting a new verse of Scripture, will transform four inborn fears and then teach our heart brain, which controls our head brain.
How to validate this course:
Explain how Scripture functions in our three brains to at least three people. Report how quoting verses as you go to sleep has driven away all wrong thoughts. Describe a Rhema and how it differs from God’s “logos.” Identify the four inborn fears and how they relate to the Lord’s Prayer. Report your three contacts to your verifier for a signature.

AA103 – Discover and Use Your Spiritual Gift
Many conflicts in marriages, families, churches and businesses occur because we do not understand our own gift or the perspectives which other people bring to a given situation through their gift.
When a person is born again by deep-rooted faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he becomes a member of Body of Christ and is given a powerful enablement to strengthen all other believers. This gives us identity, joy and fulfilment but we must develop and use it.
How to validate this course:
After studying all the information, identify your spiritual gift. List three ways that you can begin to use your gift. Review the misuses of your gift to make sure that you avoid them. Then help three other people discover their spiritual gift. Have your verifier sign your report.

AA104 – Develop 49 Character Qualities
Character is what we do when we think that no one is watching. The problem is that someone is usually watching, and God is always watching. Our character will define who we are and either open or close doors of opportunity in our future. Jesus gave us 49 commands which explain 49 ways to love God and others. Each command gives direction and power to develop an essential character quality.
How to validate this course:
This will be an on-going course. Select one quality each week and its related command. Focus on applying the command and developing the character quality. Keep a record of how you achieved results. Have your verifier confirm your work.

AA105 – Establish Permanent Financial Freedom
Understand God’s four purposes for money. Learn how the laws of the harvest apply to getting money. Know what it means to “lay up treasures in heaven.” Recognize the dangers of loving money. Build the qualities of contentment, frugality, diligence, generosity and creativity. Develop negotiating skills.
The key to financial freedom is establishing two funds: one to meet your personal needs; the other to give away to those in need. God promises to fill the first fund and to multiply the second fund based on the treasures we lay up in heaven.
How to validate this course:
Make God the final authority and controller of ALL your financial decisions. Dedicate to Him all your money, possessions, time and energy. Set up two bank accounts. Put unexpected money in the give-away account. Learn how to give financial counsel. Purpose to never go into debt. Learn to improvise. Have a written report signed by your verifier.

AA106 – How to Achieve One Accord Power
Embassy University is establishing one-accord power teams composed of 10 young men from ages 12-19. These mobile teams function as a charter school and carry out significant community projects; and in the process of doing this, they develop practical life skills, character qualities, wisdom and knowledge.
The success of the team depends on each member being in one accord. Learn how one-accord power allowed the first century church to transform its world and how it can achieve similar results in our day. Understand how one person can destroy one accord power (Joshua 7).
How to validate this course:
Use the 12 questions at the end of the book as a personal examination. Make any necessary decisions. Have your verifier sign your written report.

AA107 – Five Giants Every Man Must Conquer
The five giants that David faced during his lifetime are symbolic of the five giants that every man will also face. Those whom he fails to conquer during his youth will attack him later in life with greater strength and deception.
How to validate this course:
Every “giant” is first described, and then there are practical steps of action to conquer that giant. Follow each step and write your results so that you can tell others how you conquered each giant. Get your verifier’s signature.

AA108 – Secrets to Making Wise Decisions
Every day we make hundreds of decisions. We may think that most of them are small decisions with no consequences. The fact is the there are no “small decisions.” Every decision has consequences with far reaching results for good or for bad. Learn the five principles of making wise decisions. Understand how our three brains make decisions. Know how decision-making affects marriages and families.
How to validate this course:
Write down five decisions that you make every day. Apply the five principles of decision-making to each one. Learn how to help a married couple make wise decisions to strengthen their marriage and parents to train up wise sons and daughters. Write a report of how you helped a marriage and a family. Have your verifier sign it.