Embassy University Structure

Embassy University has been au­tho­rized by the Department of Education of Florida to be an in­de­pen­dent uni­ver­si­ty with its own cur­ricu­lum and de­grees.

We are con­fi­dent that those who grad­u­ate from Embassy University will be sought af­ter by em­ploy­ers be­cause course re­quire­ments are guar­an­teed by God to give them suc­cess in what­ev­er they do!

Success is ful­fill­ing the pre­cise pur­pos­es for which God cre­at­ed you. The se­cret to suc­cess is to quote a new verse of Scripture to God every night while go­ing to sleep. The pow­er­ful light of God’s Word will dri­ve away all wrong thoughts. This will re­sults in great achieve­ments, in­clud­ing con­quer­ing all lust­ful thoughts.

During the night, the liv­ing Word of God will go from your head brain to your gut brain. After trans­form­ing your four in­born fears, it will give in­struc­tion to your heart brain with wis­dom, un­der­stand­ing, in­sight, cre­ativ­i­ty, di­rec­tion and so­lu­tions. This is the rea­son you will be suc­cess­ful.

Degree Requirements

By in­ter­nal­iz­ing the wis­dom and pow­er of God’s Word and ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the re­wards that come from it, you will be able to speak with bold­ness and clar­i­ty to many oth­er peo­ple about their need for God’s Word IN them. You will be an Ambassador of life-​changing truth. The de­grees you earn will in­di­cate the lev­el of your pro­fi­cien­cy in giv­ing your life mes­saged to oth­ers.

A.A. Degree(Associate Ambassador)
Two com­plet­ed Rhema Journals that con­firm dai­ly quot­ing of God’s Word each night, plus cours­es on­line with re­ports of ap­pli­ca­tion.

B.A. Degree (Basic Ambassador)
Two more years of Daily Rhema Journals with ad­di­tion­al on­line cours­es and min­istry projects.

M.A. Degree (Master Ambassador)
Another two years of Rhema Journals plus on­line cours­es and min­istry projects.

PhD Degree (Doctor of Philosophy in Ambassadorship)
Two years of Journals, on­line cours­es, projects, ex­pe­ri­ence teach­ing oth­ers and pub­lish­ing a book.