Ginger – From 1984 to 1991
When Ginger arrived at the Headquarters she had many hurts and heartaches from previous years. After listening to them, I suggested: “Ginger, you have a lot of challenges to overcome. However, in seven years every cell in your body will be replaced. You will be a new person. What if you would dedicate the next seven years to the Lord for single service so that you would also be a new person on the inside?”
During those years, Ginger became a very Godly young lady. When she prayed, it seemed like Jesus was right there listening to her. After seven years her parents asked her to take care of an aged grandparent. She did not want to leave but she knew it was right to obey her parents even at the age of 32. While taking care of her grandparent, she met a godly handsome single chaplain who had just returned from overseas duty. They got married and God has given them seven children — one for each year that she served the Lord.
To Whom it May Concern,
My name is Ginger, and I had the opportunity to serve as Correspondence Secretary to Mr. Bill Gothard from 1984 to 1991. I then left to care for a grandparent. At that time I met and married Mark, a Navy chaplain just returned from wartime service.
During my seven years as Mr. Gothard’s secretary, I experienced him as a wise supervisor who expected and taught me to give my professional best. He always treated me with respect and cared for my welfare. His personal behavior was impeccable. Not ever once did I experience any private attitude or action that was contrary to what he publicly taught.
During my time as Mr. Gothard’s secretary, I often took his dictation at his Oak Brook office, in a bus, and in other locations.
There was never a time when Mr. Gothard allowed us to be alone. He always ensured at least one other person be present. Because Mr. Gothard treated me with utmost respect and professionalism, I always felt safe and free to enjoy my work and life. I was there to do a job — to answer as many letters as possible, giving the sender a heartfelt response to the needs that were presented.
Mr. Gothard felt that every letter was important and deserved the best answer possible.
I was also a House Leader to many apprenticeship, college-age students during my time at Headquarters. I am, by nature (and spiritual-giftedness), a sensitive, merciful and compassionate person. I am certain that if Mr. Gothard had mistreated any of “my” girls while I was at Headquarters, I would have soon been aware of the problem. I would not have hesitated to bring it to the attention of the proper authorities, including the parents. I would have left immediately!
My seven years at IBLP Headquarters, working closely with Mr. Gothard and with so many young ladies and young men, were such a joy! I arrived as a youthful 24-year-old needing life training as well as work, and left at age 32 for marriage, family with seven children, and a demanding military life, well equipped for it all by the timeless, life-changing principles of God’s Word that Mr. Gothard taught so well.
As I look back now on my full life — praying for ever more fruitfulness and fulfillment to come! — I feel that so much of my fulfillment is due to my time with Mr. Gothard. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think back on my days at Headquarters, thanking God for each one.
Actually, I don’t think I would even be alive today if my mother’s hair dresser had not sent me to my first Basic Seminar in Tampa, Florida.
Most sincerely,
Ginger’s husband is now a professor at a prominent Seminary, and Ginger is having the opportunity of counseling both younger and older women with what she learned during her single years.
Her husband writes:
Ginger and I remain deeply grateful for our personal relationship with you. You have been a great blessing in our lives. We found each other and bonded in lifetime love, much through your tender care.
Our own seven children, and at least thirty others whose parents we influenced, have been brought to God’s way of life through your teachings. What an amazing, awesome thing!