11. Overcome Depression With Inner Light


The powerful truths of this book are actually being used to overcome depression without drugs in a very short time. This is happening because the root causes of depression are identified and practical steps of action are given to raise serotonin levels. The second part of the book contains a 48 day mediatation guide which increases “inner light” and resolves depression. 150 pages.



The pow­er­ful truths of this book are ac­tu­al­ly be­ing used to over­come de­pres­sion with­out drugs in a very short time. This is hap­pen­ing be­cause the root caus­es of de­pres­sion are iden­ti­fied and prac­ti­cal steps of ac­tion are giv­en to raise sero­tonin lev­els. The sec­ond part of the book con­tains a 48 day me­di­ata­tion guide which in­creas­es “in­ner light” and re­solves de­pres­sion. 150 pages.