13. Let’s Magnify God’s Name


This new, expanded, beautiful hardcover “Heritage Edition” of of Let’s Magnify God’s Name will make an excellent gift for your relatives, friends and business associates. Includes a musical CD added in the back of the book.



God promis­es, “the peo­ple that do know their God shall be strong and do ex­ploits” (Dan 11:32). This beau­ti­ful il­lus­trat­ed, hard­back “Heritage Edition” ex­plains 20 names of God and 90 names of Jesus. It re­veals how us­ing the right name of God in­creas­es our prayer pow­er. It al­so in­cludes a CD of in­spi­ra­tional hymns on God’s name sung by a for­mer opera singer. 105 pages.