17. The Power of Deep-​Rooted Prayer


Most believers have two serious problems: a shallow, ineffective prayer life and the fear of witnessing. These barriers to a fulfilling life are connected and will be totally resolved by understanding and applying the truths in this book. When only 3% of a nation adopt a practice, it can transform that nation. This book explains three levels of prayer and how they relate to salvation and Christian living. 91 Pages.



Most be­liev­ers have two se­ri­ous prob­lems: a shal­low, in­ef­fec­tive prayer life and the fear of wit­ness­ing. These bar­ri­ers to a ful­fill­ing life are con­nect­ed and will be to­tal­ly re­solved by un­der­stand­ing and ap­ply­ing the truths in this book. When on­ly 3% of a na­tion adopt a prac­tice, it can trans­form that na­tion. This book ex­plains three lev­els of prayer and how they re­late to sal­va­tion and Christian liv­ing. 91 Pages.