32. 20 Essential Steps to Train Up Teens Who Will NOT Rebel!


When you work with thousands of teenagers who grew up and had their children who also grew up and had their children, you are able to see what really works and what happens when essential steps are missing. This book is the result of over 70 years of working with four generations! It is written with the confidence that if parents would follow these 20 essential steps to train up their teens, they would have sons and daughters who are mighty in spirit and who will not rebel when they are older. 110 pages



When you work with thou­sands of teenagers who grew up and had their chil­dren who al­so grew up and had their chil­dren, you are able to see what re­al­ly works and what hap­pens when es­sen­tial steps are miss­ing. This book is the re­sult of over 70 years of work­ing with four gen­er­a­tions! It is writ­ten with the con­fi­dence that if par­ents would fol­low these 20 es­sen­tial steps to train up their teens, they would have sons and daugh­ters who are mighty in spir­it and who will not rebel when they are old­er. 110 pages