19. The Exceeding Great Power of God’s Grace


A correct understanding of God’s grace is essential for a joyful and successful life. If you only believe that “grace is God’s unmerited favor,” you are probably experiencing disillusionment in your Christian life. Discover how the power of God’s grace gives you eternal salvation, deep-rooted love, spiritual gifts, financial success, the ability to do “great works,” victory over temptation, the discovery of your life purpose, and the strength to triumph in suffering! 109 pages.



A cor­rect un­der­stand­ing of God’s grace is es­sen­tial for a joy­ful and suc­cess­ful life. If you on­ly be­lieve that “grace is God’s un­mer­it­ed fa­vor,” you are prob­a­bly ex­pe­ri­enc­ing dis­il­lu­sion­ment in your Christian life. Discover how the pow­er of God’s grace gives you eter­nal sal­va­tion, deep-​rooted love, spir­i­tu­al gifts, fi­nan­cial suc­cess, the abil­i­ty to do “great works,” vic­to­ry over temp­ta­tion, the dis­cov­ery of your life pur­pose, and the strength to tri­umph in suf­fer­ing! 109 pages.