30. The Amazing Potential of Your Life Calling!


God rewarded years of quoting Scripture while going to sleep with the unimagined privilege of telling over 2.5 million people the results.  The seminars became my ministry; but I got so busy with ministry that I neglected the meditation that brought it about.  When I was 80, God graciously revealed my life calling.   Over the last five years, I have not missed a single night of quoting a new verse to God while going to sleep.  The results so far are beyond what I could ever have imagined!  What God is doing in my life, He will also do for you because God is no respecter of persons.  He has a life calling for you that you cannot begin to imagine!  105 pages



God re­ward­ed years of quot­ing Scripture while go­ing to sleep with the unimag­ined priv­i­lege of telling over 2.5 mil­lion peo­ple the re­sults. The sem­i­nars be­came my min­istry; but I got so busy with min­istry that I ne­glect­ed the med­i­ta­tion that brought it about. When I was 80, God gra­cious­ly re­vealed my life call­ing. Over the last five years, I have not missed a sin­gle night of quot­ing a new verse to God while go­ing to sleep. The re­sults so far are be­yond what I could ever have imag­ined! What God is do­ing in my life, He will al­so do for you be­cause God is no re­specter of per­sons. He has a life call­ing for you that you can­not be­gin to imag­ine! 105 pages