4. Character & Command Series


We serve a God of infinite order. He has given us 49 commands that explain how to love Him and others. There are 7 commands that conquer each of the following 7 deadly stresses: anger, guilt, lust, bitterness, greed, fear and envy. Each command empowers a related character quality that is essential for success. This series can also be used as a weekly bulletin handout to business employees and church members.

211 pages



We serve a God of in­fi­nite or­der. He has giv­en us 49 com­mands that ex­plain how to love Him and oth­ers. There are 7 com­mands that con­quer each of the fol­low­ing 7 dead­ly stress­es: anger, guilt, lust, bit­ter­ness, greed, fear and en­vy. Each com­mand em­pow­ers a re­lat­ed char­ac­ter qual­i­ty that is es­sen­tial for suc­cess. This se­ries can al­so be used as a week­ly bul­letin hand­out to busi­ness em­ploy­ees and church mem­bers.

211 pages.