Book #48 The Neglected Secret to Renew Your Youth!


When the disciples of John asked Jesus why His disciples did not fast, Jesus explained that while He was with them, they did not need to fast. But after He had ascended to heaven, “then they shall fast” (Matthew 9:14-15).
Fasting was a vital part of the first century church; and the rewards were great! In over 80 years of attending church and listening to Christian radio programs, I HAVE NEVER HEARD A SERMON ON FASTING!
We build fellowship halls for feasting, but we neglect the power and rewards of fasting! No wonder people are leaving powerless churches.

32 pages



When the dis­ci­ples of John asked Jesus why His dis­ci­ples did not fast, Jesus ex­plained that while He was with them, they did not need to fast. But af­ter He had as­cend­ed to heav­en, “then they shall fast” (Matthew 9:14-15).
Fasting was a vi­tal part of the first cen­tu­ry church; and the re­wards were great! In over 80 years of at­tend­ing church and lis­ten­ing to Christian ra­dio pro­grams, I HAVE NEVER HEARD A SERMON ON FASTING!
We build fel­low­ship halls for feast­ing, but we ne­glect the pow­er and re­wards of fast­ing! No won­der peo­ple are leav­ing pow­er­less church­es.

32 pages