31. Seven Hidden Causes That Turn Best Friends into Bitter Enemies (and How to Restore Relationships)


The Civil War was a national disaster!  Over 700,000 Americans were killed by fellow Americans: brothers fought against brothers, fathers against sons.  God gave a wise plan that would have freed all the slaves and established them to be financially free (Deuteronomy 15).  God’s plan would have taken one third of the time of the civil war and reconstruction.  America would be a far stronger and more united nation than we are today.  However, the seven root causes explained in this book made God’s solution impossible to carry out!   75 pages



The Civil War was a na­tion­al dis­as­ter! Over 700,000 Americans were killed by fel­low Americans: broth­ers fought against broth­ers, fa­thers against sons. God gave a wise plan that would have freed all the slaves and es­tab­lished them to be fi­nan­cial­ly free (Deuteronomy 15). God’s plan would have tak­en one third of the time of the civ­il war and re­con­struc­tion. America would be a far stronger and more unit­ed na­tion than we are to­day. However, the sev­en root caus­es ex­plained in this book made God’s so­lu­tion im­pos­si­ble to car­ry out! 75 pages