Embassy University Online

Over 2.5 mil­lion peo­ple have com­plet­ed this course.

INTRODUCTION (Available now free of charge)


This 30-​hour Seminar is the foun­da­tion­al course of Embassy University. It does re­quire a work­book which can be down­loaded or or­dered from the Resources sec­tion at Embassy University.

This work­book is a 110-​page syl­labus which presents “A New Paradigm in Counseling.” It is ac­tu­al­ly a com­pre­hen­sive course on prob­lem solv­ing. And the prin­ci­ples you learn and ap­ply will be life-​changing, to you and to oth­ers.

Embassy University Courses

Learn about the Embassy University Structure here

AA101 – The Basic Youth Conflicts Seminar

Adopt sev­en uni­ver­sal, non-​optional prin­ci­ples of life. These truths tran­scend all cul­tures, na­tion­al­i­ties, re­li­gions, and po­lit­i­cal sys­tems. They are es­sen­tial to your suc­cess. As you ap­ply them to your life, you will have suc­cess and great wis­dom in help­ing oth­ers to re­solve con­flicts in their lives.

How to val­i­date this course:

The sev­en prin­ci­ples must be per­son­al­ly ap­plied for them to be ef­fec­tive. After each prin­ci­ple is ex­plained, there is a de­ci­sion to be made and steps of ac­tion to be fol­lowed in the work­book. Write a short re­port of the de­ci­sions you made and how you have fol­lowed the steps of ac­tion. Have your ver­i­fi­er con­firm your writ­ten re­ports with a sig­na­ture.

AA102 – The Inner Mind That Controls Our Life

“It is with the great­est en­thu­si­asm pos­si­ble that I rec­om­mend this book. It con­tains the an­swers to so many of my ques­tions. I fi­nal­ly un­der­stand what faith is all about and how to con­quer the strong­holds in our life. My on­ly re­gret is that I did not know this ma­te­r­i­al ear­li­er.” — Dr. Roger Blair, DDS

Wisdom, un­der­stand­ing and last­ing achieve­ment be­gin with the knowl­edge of our three brains and how they func­tion. Ineffective ed­u­ca­tion is fill­ing our head brain with in­for­ma­tion be­cause our head brain is the weak­est brain. Filling our reins (gut brain) with God’s wis­dom every night, by quot­ing a new verse of Scripture, will trans­form four in­born fears and then teach our heart brain, which con­trols our head brain.

How to val­i­date this course:

Explain how Scripture func­tions in our three brains to at least three peo­ple. Report how quot­ing vers­es as you go to sleep has dri­ven away all wrong thoughts. Describe a Rhema and how it dif­fers from God’s “lo­gos.” Identify the four in­born fears and how they re­late to the Lord’s Prayer. Report your three con­tacts to your ver­i­fi­er for a sig­na­ture.

AA103 – Discover and Use Your Spiritual Gift

Many con­flicts in mar­riages, fam­i­lies, church­es and busi­ness­es oc­cur be­cause we do not un­der­stand our own gift or the per­spec­tives which oth­er peo­ple bring to a giv­en sit­u­a­tion through their gift.

When a per­son is born again by deep-​rooted faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he be­comes a mem­ber of Body of Christ and is giv­en a pow­er­ful en­able­ment to strength­en all oth­er be­liev­ers. This gives us iden­ti­ty, joy and ful­fil­ment but we must de­vel­op and use it.

How to val­i­date this course:

After study­ing all the in­for­ma­tion, iden­ti­fy your spir­i­tu­al gift. List three ways that you can be­gin to use your gift. Review the mis­us­es of your gift to make sure that you avoid them. Then help three oth­er peo­ple dis­cov­er their spir­i­tu­al gift. Have your ver­i­fi­er sign your re­port.

AA104 – Develop 49 Character Qualities

Character is what we do when we think that no one is watch­ing. The prob­lem is that some­one is usu­al­ly watch­ing, and God is al­ways watch­ing. Our char­ac­ter will de­fine who we are and ei­ther open or close doors of op­por­tu­ni­ty in our fu­ture. Jesus gave us 49 com­mands which ex­plain 49 ways to love God and oth­ers. Each com­mand gives di­rec­tion and pow­er to de­vel­op an es­sen­tial char­ac­ter qual­i­ty.

How to val­i­date this course:

This will be an on-​going course. Select one qual­i­ty each week and its re­lat­ed com­mand. Focus on ap­ply­ing the com­mand and de­vel­op­ing the char­ac­ter qual­i­ty. Keep a record of how you achieved re­sults. Have your ver­i­fi­er con­firm your work.

AA105 – Establish Permanent Financial Freedom

Understand God’s four pur­pos­es for mon­ey. Learn how the laws of the har­vest ap­ply to get­ting mon­ey. Know what it means to “lay up trea­sures in heav­en.” Recognize the dan­gers of lov­ing mon­ey. Build the qual­i­ties of con­tent­ment, fru­gal­i­ty, dili­gence, gen­eros­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty. Develop ne­go­ti­at­ing skills.

The key to fi­nan­cial free­dom is es­tab­lish­ing two funds: one to meet your per­son­al needs; the oth­er to give away to those in need. God promis­es to fill the first fund and to mul­ti­ply the sec­ond fund based on the trea­sures we lay up in heav­en.
How to val­i­date this course:

Make God the fi­nal au­thor­i­ty and con­troller of ALL your fi­nan­cial de­ci­sions. Dedicate to Him all your mon­ey, pos­ses­sions, time and en­er­gy. Set up two bank ac­counts. Put un­ex­pect­ed mon­ey in the give-​away ac­count. Learn how to give fi­nan­cial coun­sel. Purpose to nev­er go in­to debt. Learn to im­pro­vise. Have a writ­ten re­port signed by your ver­i­fi­er.

AA106 – How to Achieve One Accord Power

Embassy University is es­tab­lish­ing one-​accord pow­er teams com­posed of 10 young men from ages 12-​19. These mo­bile teams func­tion as a char­ter school and car­ry out sig­nif­i­cant com­mu­ni­ty projects; and in the process of do­ing this, they de­vel­op prac­ti­cal life skills, char­ac­ter qual­i­ties, wis­dom and knowl­edge.

The suc­cess of the team de­pends on each mem­ber be­ing in one ac­cord. Learn how one-​accord pow­er al­lowed the first cen­tu­ry church to trans­form its world and how it can achieve sim­i­lar re­sults in our day. Understand how one per­son can de­stroy one ac­cord pow­er (Joshua 7).

How to val­i­date this course:

Use the 12 ques­tions at the end of the book as a per­son­al ex­am­i­na­tion. Make any nec­es­sary de­ci­sions. Have your ver­i­fi­er sign your writ­ten re­port.

AA107 – Five Giants Every Man Must Conquer

The five gi­ants that David faced dur­ing his life­time are sym­bol­ic of the five gi­ants that every man will al­so face. Those whom he fails to con­quer dur­ing his youth will at­tack him lat­er in life with greater strength and de­cep­tion.

How to val­i­date this course:

Every “gi­ant” is first de­scribed, and then there are prac­ti­cal steps of ac­tion to con­quer that gi­ant. Follow each step and write your re­sults so that you can tell oth­ers how you con­quered each gi­ant. Get your verifier’s sig­na­ture.

AA108 – Secrets to Making Wise Decisions

Every day we make hun­dreds of de­ci­sions. We may think that most of them are small de­ci­sions with no con­se­quences. The fact is the there are no “small de­ci­sions.” Every de­ci­sion has con­se­quences with far reach­ing re­sults for good or for bad. Learn the five prin­ci­ples of mak­ing wise de­ci­sions. Understand how our three brains make de­ci­sions. Know how decision-​making af­fects mar­riages and fam­i­lies.

How to val­i­date this course:

Write down five de­ci­sions that you make every day. Apply the five prin­ci­ples of decision-​making to each one. Learn how to help a mar­ried cou­ple make wise de­ci­sions to strength­en their mar­riage and par­ents to train up wise sons and daugh­ters. Write a re­port of how you helped a mar­riage and a fam­i­ly. Have your ver­i­fi­er sign it.