Earn a PhD Degree While You Sleep!

Enroll in Embassy University

Embassy University is de­signed to give you the wis­dom, un­der­stand­ing, knowl­edge, train­ing, ex­pe­ri­ence, and cre­den­tials that you need to be suc­cess­ful in your per­son­al life, fi­nances, vo­ca­tion, min­istry, mar­riage and fam­i­ly. It has been au­tho­rized by the Department of Education of the State of Florida to be an in­de­pen­dent uni­ver­si­ty which can es­tab­lish its own cur­ricu­lum and grant de­grees.
1. Age Requirement for Enrollment
Embassy University re­jects the myth of ado­les­cence which was de­vel­oped by an evo­lu­tion­ist named G. Stanley Hall in 1890 and which does away with per­son­al re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of teen-​agers. This dam­ag­ing the­o­ry vi­o­lates the clear teach­ing of Scripture and the his­to­ry of suc­cess­ful na­tions that have a “pas­sage” from child­hood to adult­hood at the age of twelve. Therefore, all those who are twelve and old­er can reg­is­ter for Embassy University.
2. Requirements for Earning Degrees
The num­ber one and most im­por­tant re­quire­ment is find­ing and quot­ing a Scriptural Rhema every night while go­ing to sleep. Jesus com­pared dai­ly Rhemas to the dai­ly man­na that God sent down from heav­en every night to feed His na­tion in the wilder­ness. The man­na was on­ly good for one day. New man­na had to be gath­ered every morn­ing (Exodus 16).
For every two years of com­plet­ed Daily Rhema Journals, plus ad­di­tion­al on- line cours­es, a new de­gree will be earned from an A.A. to a Ph.D. de­gree. Because of the vi­tal im­por­tance be­ing faith­ful in dai­ly med­i­ta­tion, it will be im­por­tant to have some­one who will be your en­cour­ager and ver­i­fi­er. This should be some­one out­side of your fam­i­ly. During your years on a one-​accord pow­er team, your ver­i­fi­er will be you team leader.
3. Rewards of Earning Degrees from Embassy University
Those who grad­u­ate from Embassy University will “pros­per in what­ev­er they do” (Psalm 1). They will have “good suc­cess” in every area of their lives (Joshua 1:8). They will have out­stand­ing char­ac­ter, wis­dom, un­der­stand­ing, cre­ativ­i­ty, and decision-​making abil­i­ties. Can you imag­ine how ex­cit­ed em­ploy­ers would be to have such a per­son work­ing in their com­pa­ny? With all these skills and qual­i­ties and with their in­volve­ment in help­ing peo­ple, many grad­u­ates will be led to start their own busi­ness­es to meet ba­sic needs.
4. Instructions on Getting Started
If you are ful­ly com­mit­ted to the goals and re­quire­ments of Embassy University, then you can go on­line and reg­is­ter. You will then need to or­der a Daily Rhema Journal and Basic Seminar work­book. Further in­struc­tions will bed giv­en to you as you progress.