The Ultimate Education for Your Sons!

Form a Charter School Under Embassy University!

An Embassy University char­ter school is ac­tu­al­ly a “One-​accord Power Team” and func­tions like a Community Peace Corps with far greater po­ten­tial!

It is com­posed of a care­ful­ly cho­sen team of ten young men from the ages of 12 to 19. They will have a ma­ture, trained men­tor and a se­lect­ed vet­er­an as an ad­vi­sor. They will be giv­en a 15-​passenger van as their “mo­bile class­room” and car­ry out 16 com­mu­ni­ty projects. In the process they will learn wis­dom, 49 char­ac­ter qual­i­ties, prac­ti­cal skills, life ex­pe­ri­ence, nec­es­sary aca­d­e­mics, speak­ing abil­i­ty, writ­ing skills and coun­sel­ing wis­dom.

Whatever they do will be suc­cess­ful be­cause every team mem­ber is re­quired to find and quote a new verse of Scripture to God every night while go­ing to sleep. They will quote their verse every morn­ing to their team leader and team mem­bers. God promis­es that all those who do this will be suc­cess­ful in what­ev­er they do (Psalm 1, Joshua 1:8 etc.).

As a mem­ber of a pow­er team, they will al­so be en­rolled in Embassy University. This will pro­vide their de­grees from an A.A. to a Ph.D. Every two years they will re­ceive an­oth­er de­gree. Their train­ing and de­grees will equip each stu­dent for a very suc­cess­ful fu­ture!

A fur­ther ben­e­fit of this ul­ti­mate ed­u­ca­tion­al pro­gram is that it is FREE! Not on­ly is the pro­gram free, but stu­dents will learn how to make mon­ey, which they will use for their ex­pens­es and to give away to those in need.

Further in­for­ma­tion is con­tained in the “One Accord” Power Team Training Manual. (Order at Embassy Universe/​Resources @ Embassy​.University. For more in­for­ma­tion call 708-​352-​1890)

Goals and Objectives of a Community Power Team

The heart and en­er­gy of a City of Light are the Community Power Teams that func­tion in that city. These teams, com­posed of ten cho­sen young men from ages 12 to 19 with a trained adult men­tor and a qual­i­fied vet­er­an ad­vi­sor, will car­ry out im­por­tant and valu­able projects that will give them an out­stand­ing ed­u­ca­tion and the city great ben­e­fits.

1. To Demonstrate to the World the Rewards for “Diligently Seeking God!”

God made a mar­velous promise: “He who comes to God must be be­lieve that He lives and that He is a re­warder of those who dili­gent­ly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). This promise is based on deep-​rooted faith: “Without faith it is im­pos­si­ble to please God.”

Powerful faith comes by in­ter­nal­iz­ing the Rhemas of Scripture. “Faith comes by hear­ing and hear­ing by the word [Rhemas] of God” (Romans 10:17). The more we quote Scripture while go­ing to sleep at night, the more faith we will de­vel­op and the more we will ex­pe­ri­ence the re­wards of dili­gent­ly seek­ing God.

One re­ward is God’s guar­an­tee that we will pros­per in what­ev­er we do. “His de­light is in the law of the Lord and in His law does he med­i­tate day and night . . . and what­ev­er he does shall pros­per” (Psalm 1:2-3). David lists fur­ther re­wards: “O how I love Your law! It is my med­i­ta­tion all day long. You, through Your com­mand­ments, have made me wis­er than all my en­e­mies; I have more un­der­stand­ing than all my teach­ers; for Your tes­ti­monies are my med­i­ta­tion. I un­der­stand more than the an­cients be­cause I keep Your pre­cepts” (Psalm 119:97-100).

Every mem­ber of a pow­er team will faith­ful­ly quote a new Rhema of Scripture to God every night while go­ing to sleep. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro through­out the whole earth to show Himself strong on the be­half of those whose heart is per­fect to­ward Him” (II Chronicles 16:9).

2. To Give an Outstanding Education with Guaranteed Success!

An ef­fec­tive ed­u­ca­tion is NOT sit­ting in a ster­ile class­room with same age class­mates, fill­ing your head brain with in­for­ma­tion that will most like­ly have no bear­ing on your fu­ture life in the re­al world! An out­stand­ing ed­u­ca­tion IS fill­ing your gut brain and heart brain with wis­dom as you work on vi­tal projects with peo­ple of dif­fer­ent ages who can teach you valu­able char­ac­ter qual­i­ties, skills and knowl­edge through life ex­pe­ri­ences. This is what com­mu­ni­ty pow­er teams are all about. Success is guar­an­teed by God be­cause of night med­i­ta­tion!

The ge­nius of ear­ly American ed­u­ca­tion was the one room school­house with an age-​integrated stu­dent body and in­struc­tion that was based on the Word of God. The younger ones looked up to and learned from the old­er ones, and the old­er ones pro­tect­ed the younger ones and men­tored them.

3. To Carry out the “Greater Works of God.”

Jesus gave us a pro­found promise: “Verily, ver­i­ly I say un­to you, He who be­lieves in Me, the works that I do shall he do al­so; AND GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL HE DO be­cause I go to my Father” (John 14:12). Jesus did many mar­velous works; how­ev­er, His pri­ma­ry work was to be a light in cities (John 9:4-5). The cities that re­spond­ed to His light wit­nessed many mir­a­cles. The cities that re­ject­ed His light were cursed (Matthew 11:21).

Jesus sent His dis­ci­ples out to reach whole cities (Matthew 10:11). Notice the con­nec­tion that He made be­tween our be­ing the light of the world and the po­ten­tial of cities of light: “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill can­not be hid­den” (Matthew 5:14). Jesus lim­it­ed His min­istry on­ly to the cities of Israel; but He sends us out to be light to many cities and na­tions!

4. To Experience God’s Wisdom and Power with Money.

Whoever con­trols our mon­ey, con­trols our lives. If we are in con­trol, we will al­low greed to de­vel­op “the love of mon­ey which is the root of all evil . . . and pierce our­selves through with many sor­rows” (I Timothy 6:10). Since God cre­at­ed gold and sil­ver, and since “it is He who gives us pow­er to get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18), it is on­ly log­i­cal to give Him full con­trol of all our fi­nan­cial de­ci­sions! This means learn­ing and fol­low­ing all His wise in­struc­tions about mon­ey.

One of God’s four pur­pos­es for mon­ey is to demon­strate His su­per­nat­ur­al pow­er to give it to us when we have spe­cial needs. However, for this to hap­pen we must fol­low cer­tain steps. The first step is to kneel be­fore Almighty God and de­clare out loud, with deep-​rooted faith, that His risen Son, the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that our body, soul and spir­it now be­long to Him. Affirm that from this mo­ment on, He will di­rect all de­ci­sions on every pur­chase and the use of our time and en­er­gy ac­cord­ing to the wise in­struc­tions of His Word.

The next step is to set up two funds: one for our per­son­al needs and one to give away to oth­ers. As we are dili­gent in work­ing, God promis­es to pro­vide all our needs and mul­ti­ply the mon­ey in our “giv­ing away” fund (II Corinthians 9:8-10). The mon­ey we give to the needs of oth­ers are de­posits in our “bank ac­count” in heav­en. It gets a hun­dred­fold in­ter­est and can be drawn on for needs.

5. To Discover Purpose in Life.

Before we were formed in the womb, God planned the pur­pos­es for our life and then He de­signed us to ful­fill those pur­pos­es. “Before I formed you in the bel­ly, I knew you, and be­fore you came forth out of the womb, I sanc­ti­fied you and I or­dained you a [pro­claimer of truth] to the na­tions” (Jeremiah 1:5). What God said to Jeremiah, He says to all be­liev­ers: “Go and teach all na­tions . . . all things that I have com­mand­ed you” (Matthew 28:19-20). This is the func­tion of an am­bas­sador. What is learned through Embassy University will give clear pur­pose in life!