A Huge Victory: Conspiracy Exposed, Lawsuit Dropped!

February 26, 2018

On April 13, 2011, a for­mer ATI stu­dent post­ed his tes­ti­mo­ny on his web­site en­ti­tled, “My Childhood in the ATI/​IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist) World.”He de­scribed his dis­il­lu­sion­ment which I know re­sults when we fail to med­i­tate on Scripture. Instructions for Godly liv­ing be­come “rules, and le­gal­ism”. He con­clud­ed by stat­ing: “There is lit­tle hope for change as long as Bill Gothard is still at the helm”.

About a year lat­er, he co-​founded a web­site with the ex­press pur­pose of “res­cu­ing peo­ple” from my teach­ing. This meant the de­struc­tion of the Basic Seminar, Advanced Seminar, ATI, etc. In their ef­fort to de­stroy me and the min­istry, they re­cruit­ed for­mer staff ladies to make false and defam­a­to­ry state­ments. A law­suit was then ini­ti­at­ed.

In the process of dis­cov­ery, the judge or­dered them to turn over 30,000 pages of pri­vate doc­u­ments. These doc­u­ments ex­posed a ma­jor con­spir­a­cy to de­stroy me and the sem­i­nar mes­sage and min­istry. The judge then or­dered them to turn over many ad­di­tion­al doc­u­ments, like­ly tens of thou­sands of ad­di­tion­al pages of se­cret chat fo­rums which they thought were pro­tect­ed by lawyer/​client priv­i­lege and which would have pro­vid­ed fur­ther self-​incrimination. What they did not re­al­ize was that on­ly dis­cus­sions be­tween the lawyer and client are pro­tect­ed, not dis­cus­sions with each oth­er. So, in­stead of com­ply­ing with the or­der, due to­day, their lawyers chose to vol­un­tar­i­ly drop the en­tire law­suit!

God’s Bigger Purposes: A Deeper More Powerful Message

I re­joice in all that God has al­lowed to hap­pen. He has shown me how the Christian life re­al­ly works. From day and night med­i­ta­tion He has giv­en in­struc­tion for 28 books. Each one gets more ex­cit­ing. He is al­so open­ing unimag­ined op­por­tu­ni­ties to share this pow­er­ful new mes­sage. Thank you for your in­cred­i­ble en­cour­age­ment and sup­port dur­ing the past four years!

Love in Christ,

Bill Gothard