16. How Is God A Consuming Fire?


God uses sicknesses and diseases as loving appeals for us to follow His ways. There is an enormous amount of scientific research that describes sicknesses, but it does not connect it to the root causes. This is where the wisdom of God’s Word comes in. God has written His moral law in our heart and reins (“gut brain”). Either we follow His way of life or we suffer the consequences in our health. 57 pages.



God us­es sick­ness­es and dis­eases as lov­ing ap­peals for us to fol­low His ways. There is an enor­mous amount of sci­en­tif­ic re­search that de­scribes sick­ness­es, but it does not con­nect it to the root caus­es. This is where the wis­dom of God’s Word comes in. God has writ­ten His moral law in our heart and reins (“gut brain”). Either we fol­low His way of life or we suf­fer the con­se­quences in our health. 57 pages.