
Lorena – From 2010 to 2014

Ten years ago, I was in­vit­ed to vis­it Lorena’s or­phan­age. When I saw all the or­phans I want­ed to help every sin­gle one of them to learn about the love of the Lord and His way of life. Therefore, I of­fered to give six months of train­ing to about twen­ty five of their top or­phans. Lorena was one of those whom they chose for this train­ing. Here is her sto­ry.

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Lorena and I am 27 years old. I first met Mr Gothard in February of 2005 when he vis­it­ed my or­phan­age in Mexico. I will nev­er for­get that day. He met with our di­rec­tors and of­fered to train 25 of our out­stand­ing or­phans in Character and in the English lan­guage. He would cov­er all the ex­pens­es.

There were 400 in my or­phan­age. The per­son in charge of choos­ing the or­phans de­cid­ed to send 25 of the ones who had the worst be­hav­ior rather than the best. This de­ci­sion made me qual­i­fied to go.

When I was told that I was cho­sen, I had a hard time be­liev­ing it. I im­me­di­ate­ly said yes! Not just be­cause I want­ed to go to the United States, but be­cause I was so hun­gry and des­per­ate to know God’s love for me.

When we ar­rived in America we went to the Indianapolis Training Center. There I re­ceived the best spir­i­tu­al train­ing I have ever had. It com­plete­ly trans­formed my life. I clear­ly re­mem­ber my first ap­point­ment with Mr. Gothard. He asked me about my re­la­tion­ship with my par­ents. I said “My par­ents don’t love me, that is why they left me at an or­phan­age.” At that mo­ment I ex­pe­ri­enced a deep bit­ter­ness in my heart against my par­ents. We talked about it and he showed me how I could for­give them and be rec­on­ciled to them.

I thought to my­self, “This is the most im­pos­si­ble thing I have ever heard.” During the pre­vi­ous eigh­teen years they have nev­er vis­it­ed me in the or­phan­age. However, as I learned of God’s love for me I be­came a be­liev­er in Christ and al­so for­gave my par­ents.

Six months lat­er when I re­turned to Mexico, I had a whole new per­spec­tive on life. I had found my iden­ti­ty in my re­la­tion­ship with Jesus Christ. I con­tact­ed my moth­er and we start­ed a rec­on­cil­i­a­tion process as moth­er and daugh­ter. During my time in Mexico I kept in touch with Mr. Gothard and in February of 2010 I be­came a mem­ber of the Headquarters staff. I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty and hon­or to be per­son­al­ly trained by Mr. Gothard and learn more about the ways of God.

During my time at the Headquarters, Mr. Gothard al­ways showed a god­ly be­hav­ior to­ward me. He was very re­spect­ful of me and every­one around me. I would tell him that he was my spir­i­tu­al fa­ther be­cause that is what he is, and for the rest of my life I will al­ways be grate­ful to him for be­liev­ing in me and in­vest­ing in my life.

Today, be­cause of his in­vest­ment I am trav­el­ing to oth­er parts of the world to bring hope to those who need it. I am shar­ing with them the Biblical prin­ci­ples that changed my life for Jesus Christ which I learned through Bill Gothard.
