2. The Inner Mind That Controls Our Life


This provides an extensive Biblical and scientific foundation for the literal understanding of our inward body parts and their functions. It explains how our reins are the source of powerful faith, genuine love, God’s wisdom and the fear of the Lord. They explain our involuntary reactions which affect our health, moods and behavior. 211 pages.



This pro­vides an ex­ten­sive Biblical and sci­en­tif­ic foun­da­tion for the lit­er­al un­der­stand­ing of our in­ward body parts and their func­tions. It ex­plains how our reins are the source of pow­er­ful faith, gen­uine love, God’s wis­dom and the fear of the Lord. They ex­plain our in­vol­un­tary re­ac­tions which af­fect our health, moods and be­hav­ior. 211 pages.