26. Four Secrets That Guarantee Success in Your Life! …and your world!


In the 20th century, a Jew was born in Germany who changed the world with a four character formula. It led to the development of the atomic bomb which ended the Second World War and rockets that carried man into outer space. In the first century, another Jew was born who also changed the world with a four factor “formula.” It led to the development of the first century church which withstood incredible persecution and ultimately transformed the mighty Roman Empire. Tragically, the church has long ago abandoned this “founding formula.” As a result, the average church in America is less than 100 people. Last year alone, a major evangelical denomination closed the doors of 9000 churches. It is now urgent that we restore this first century formula. 103 pages.



In the 20th cen­tu­ry, a Jew was born in Germany who changed the world with a four char­ac­ter for­mu­la. It led to the de­vel­op­ment of the atom­ic bomb which end­ed the Second World War and rock­ets that car­ried man in­to out­er space. In the first cen­tu­ry, an­oth­er Jew was born who al­so changed the world with a four fac­tor “for­mu­la.” It led to the de­vel­op­ment of the first cen­tu­ry church which with­stood in­cred­i­ble per­se­cu­tion and ul­ti­mate­ly trans­formed the mighty Roman Empire. Tragically, the church has long ago aban­doned this “found­ing for­mu­la.” As a re­sult, the av­er­age church in America is less than 100 peo­ple. Last year alone, a ma­jor evan­gel­i­cal de­nom­i­na­tion closed the doors of 9000 church­es. It is now ur­gent that we re­store this first cen­tu­ry for­mu­la. 103 pages.