Book 34: How Cities of Light Can Stop All Riots


Today, America is in crisis.  There is an all-out attack against the police by well organized, well-funded organizations that are determined to destroy America, as it was founded.  Our victory will come by building Cities of Light that transform foundational structures.  These will remove the possibility of riots.  43 pages.  $15



Today, America is in cri­sis. There is an all-​out at­tack against the po­lice by well or­ga­nized, well-​funded or­ga­ni­za­tions that are de­ter­mined to de­stroy America, as it was found­ed. Our vic­to­ry will come by build­ing Cities of Light that trans­form foun­da­tion­al struc­tures. These will re­move the pos­si­bil­i­ty of ri­ots. 43 pages. $15