Book 37: How to Achieve One Accord Power


Life becomes meaningful when we embrace a cause for which we will lay down our lives. What could be a greater cause than living out God’s two greatest commands (loving God and our neighbor) and protecting the nation that was founded on them!  21 pages.  $10



“Life be­comes mean­ing­ful when we em­brace a cause for which we will lay down our lives. What could be a greater cause than liv­ing out God’s two great­est com­mands (lov­ing God and our neigh­bor) and pro­tect­ing the na­tion that was found­ed on them!

In this book, Bill Gothard al­so ex­plains how he could pre­dict a gen­uine re­vival in a Christian school or church and how it would ac­tu­al­ly take place with last­ing re­sults. Every pas­tor and Christian leader should read this valu­able book!” 37 pages. $10