23. Secrets to Making Wise Decisions


Have you ever considered that all the pain, grief, sorrow and sin in the world is the result of just one wrong decision? Every day we make hundreds of decisions about what we say and do. How can we be sure that every decision is right, especially since Satan’s goal is to deceive us into making the wrong decision? Even Jesus made no decision of His own will. This manual explains why we make wrong choices and how to make wise decisions! 97 Pages.



Have you ever con­sid­ered that all the pain, grief, sor­row and sin in the world is the re­sult of just one wrong de­ci­sion? Every day we make hun­dreds of de­ci­sions about what we say and do. How can we be sure that every de­ci­sion is right, es­pe­cial­ly since Satan’s goal is to de­ceive us in­to mak­ing the wrong de­ci­sion? Even Jesus made no de­ci­sion of His own will. This man­u­al ex­plains why we make wrong choic­es and how to make wise de­ci­sions! 97 Pages.