Book #47 Why Churches Are Losing Members


There is only one reason: They are not being fed and their Christian life is not working. They cannot conquer anger, guilt, lust, bitterness, greed, fear or envy. Pastors are giving information to the head brain, but it is not getting into the hearers and becoming a living part of their lives. Jesus said, “If you love Me, FEED my sheep!”
There is only one solution: Teach each member how to internalize the power of God’s Word by quoting it back to God while going to sleep at night. By this, God guarantees true success!

31 pages



There is on­ly one rea­son: They are not be­ing fed and their Christian life is not work­ing. They can­not con­quer anger, guilt, lust, bit­ter­ness, greed, fear or en­vy. Pastors are giv­ing in­for­ma­tion to the head brain, but it is not get­ting in­to the hear­ers and be­com­ing a liv­ing part of their lives. Jesus said, “If you love Me, FEED my sheep!”
There is on­ly one so­lu­tion: Teach each mem­ber how to in­ter­nal­ize the pow­er of God’s Word by quot­ing it back to God while go­ing to sleep at night. By this, God guar­an­tees true suc­cess!

31 pages